Newest of the New New Blogs in the News, A page for the latest new blogs from this site!

Augest 31st 2024, Chattable is BACK!
Chattable is back, time for Chatting fun!
Augest 11th 2024, No Skating?!?!
Due to um, some religious beliefs (Blame parents for it), I can skate, dang it!
July 18th 2024, Hey, Chatzy!
Well, well, well, Chatzy works, I need to make it open in a new tab but it's nice!
July 18th 2024, Farewell, Chattable.
The chat room was good while it lasted.
July 15th 2024, Added a Skate Diary.
Added a Skate Diary for all my experiences with Skating, starting from today, will it get updated daily? Pro'lly not but it should be weekly-ish.
June 30th 2024, New Sk8r in town?
Plannin' to get a Skateboard, not just for crusin', but for charisma as well. The thought of skatin' always intrigued me ;]
June 26th 2024, Tweaked some stuff.
We just tweaked some stuff in the chat room.
June 22nd 2024, Guess what? We have Chat Rooms!
We decided to add a chat room as we think some people may not use Discord so, there's 2 Live Chats technically.
June 21st 2024, Where can I find you Ean?

Well, you can find them in Socials, it's solely there for you to @ me.
June 19th 2024, S.T.O.P!
There's Some Top Orange Pages (S.T.O.P) in Miscellaneous, it's like password protected and stuff. And I totally did not make it show the password when you put a wrong thing, that would be dumb, rite? Oh wait, I did? Dang it!
June 18th 2024, Mobile People should have lesser problems now and, Discord server? Whazzup?
We made the Navigation Menu easier to use on Mobile Devices and, we embedded our Discord Server, cheers!
June 17th 2024, New News Page for the Newest News of the News of Website News!
You get it, like this page is for the news which are like new so like newest news... umm, #Awkward! /awk